On-Line Landing Your VE Job Curriculum Exam

1. In order to _______________concerning your VE job position, you must take time and invest energy in learning about the available positions within your company.
make a knowledgeable decision
develop an outstanding résumé
guarantee that you'll be satisfied
complete the process

2. According to Chuck Swindle, life is _______________ what happens to you and _______________ of how you react to it.
25%, 75%
75%, 25%
10%, 90%
90%, 10%

3. An uneducated decision is an ignorant decision, and ignorant decisions tend to produce
satisfied employees.
less than desirable results.
an ignoramus.
qualified employees.

4. An excellent way to find out what exactly a specific job entails is to
research the job on Monster.com.
talk to a student who has previously held the position within the class.
read the job descriptions.
both b and c.

5. It is important to _______________ when seeking your job position, because if you don't let your desire be known, you may be placed in a job that you really didn't want.
educate yourself
offer character references
speak up
be passive

6. Having a good working relationship with your fellow employees is
easy to do.
counter productive.

7. Keeping a positive attitude will not only make it easier for those working around you, but you'll find that you'll be more content in your job.

8. Virtual Business positions are very competitive; numerous students are vying for the same job that you want. It is inevitable that one or more students will end up with a position that they really didn't want, and that student might be you. How you handle your disappointment (your attitude) will have no influence on your job performance..

9. "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you'' is the
CA Virtual Enterprises mantra.
motto of all virtual businesses.
Golden Rule.
unwritten rule.

Landing Your VE Job Curriculum Test

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